Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lazy Saturday

Okay, so I lied. I didn't get a darn thing done today, We ran to town for groceries and of course everybody was in town also. But we had to have some stuff so we braved the crowd. When we got home I was beat and had to take a nap so naturally when I got up I couldn't have been talked into anything. As a matter of fact since we had lunch so late we just skipped supper and went straight on to the ice cream. Now how lazy is that?? Good, but lazy. So I have to be good tomorrow and really accomplish something or no more ice cream for me. I guess I better go crash so I can work. Chat later. Good thoughts, Molly

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Done

Yea, I finally got my backing done and got the thing basted together. Hopefully I can get to it tomorrow but I've got some smaller things that need doing also. I need to make 5 pillowcases which won't take long and then I need to male one more small (10") square pillow. So I am trying to tell myself it might be easier to finish these small projects then I can cross them off my list. Anyway it sounds like a plan to me. Talk tomorrow, Molly

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Finally Finished

Well I finally got my quilt top all finished. I have to baste it all together tomorrow and then get busy working on it. I'm proud of how it looks, I hope it looks good when I am through with it. I have to cut out one more pillpw and then make 5 pillowcases. Then I am on to my crochet work to finish. If it all turns out good I'll post pics. Molly

Friday, November 14, 2008

I got a little bit of crocheting done today but nothing to brag about. I have a pattern for a new square that looks like it has a full petaled daisy in the center of it and I am anxious to give it a try. Hopefully I'll be able to tomorrow. I have been making potholders for my Mother and I only have 2 more to go and I will be finished. They aren't a present to her they are a present for her to give to her friends, I think they will enjoy them. If I can figure out how to do photos I'll get one of them and post it. I will talk to y'all tomorrow. Take care, Molly